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What Makes a M.A.P.S. Evaluation Unique

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We Provide a Focused Perspective. A comprehensive psychological evaluation is an important step in a client's treatment process. Like any good road map, it should be clear and focused, and should also help orient the client and their treatment team to what the underlying concerns are, where these concerns come from, and what exactly needs to happen moving forward. M.A.P.S. assessments determine not only what the underlying academic and psychological issues are, but also provides recommendations for what the most effective next steps in a client's treatment continuum will be, and helps the client's treatment team create an effective and personalized treatment plan.


Our Evaluations are Multidimensional. A complete M.A.P.S. evaluation by Dr. Gonzalez Boas is multidimensional by design. The batteries selected are tailored to answer the referral question and determine the clients needs moving forward. All M.A.P.S. assessments are integrative and assess the client’s functioning in areas associated with learning, behavior, social skills, mood and anxiety, and cognitive processing- while also taking into account the impact that various systems have on the client's overall functioning.


We Assess the Individual in Context. Providing a diagnosis of the problem alone does not constitute a thorough evaluation. An individual is as complex and distinct as the systems in which they live, and human psychology consists of many distinct and unique facets. Therefore, a comprehensive psychological evaluation should match this complexity by taking all of these factors into consideration.


Our Evaluations are In-Depth and Specialized. Dr. Gonzalez Boas specializes in the evaluation and diagnosis of psychological, cognitive, and learning disorders. Having worked in a variety of clinical settings, Dr. Gonzalez Boas understands the vital role that assessments play in the therapeutic process.


The Client Comes First. In addition to providing a comprehensive evaluation that is shared with the client's treatment team (a client's family, educational consultant, prospective placements, and/or other referring professionals), we also go over the results of evaluation with the client in either a personalized letter or a phone call- or both. 


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